Microsys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.6.6 英文正式版(網站地圖索引生成工具軟體)
Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator是一款適合個人和企業網站的高性能網站地圖索引生成工具,
A1 Sitemap Generator creates
sitemaps for your website, be that
HTML, Google XML or ASP.Net
sitemaps. Rich template support for
generating sitemaps and near-endless
scanning options.
The scanning engine stores vast
amounts of data so that you can,
among other things, view full report
on broken and redirected links
(wherefrom and whereto). This data
is e.g. used when generating Google
XML sitmaps (e.g. when defining
A bonus utility in A1 Sitemap
Generator is an integrated FTP
client that will allow you to FTP
upload your sitemaps. It is possible
to automate and control program
through the command line.
Microsys A1 Sitemap Generator v2.2.0 英文正式版(優化網路和ad任務的軟體)
Microsys A1 Sitemap Generator v2.3.3 英文正式版(適合個人和企業網站的高性能網站地圖索引生成軟體)
Microsys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.6.7 英文正式版(網站地圖索引生成工具軟體)
Microsys A1 Sitemap Generator v2.0.2 英文正式版(網站索引生成軟體)
Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.5.2 英文正式版(適合個人和企業網站的高性能,網站地圖索引生成軟體)
Micro-Sys Sitemap Generator v1.5.4 英文正式版(適合個人和企業網站的高性能,網站地圖索引生成軟體)
Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.6.2 英文正式版(網站地圖索引生成工具軟體)